Answers to your questions

After having been overseas for a whopping grand-total of three whole weeks – without sniffle-filled calls back home, or the stifling of sorrows with Molson Canadian and grade-A bacon – I’ve settled.

Not “settled” in the sense that I’m resigning myself to some mundane, routine sort of existence: “Settled” in the sense that I’m on both feet, standing tall, fiercely looking out towards an Atlantic horizon (picture me on the coast, because I’m not actually near it), and possibly craving bacon, but definitely not crying about it.

I won’t pretend to get a lot of questions from fans: I won’t pretend to have any fans. But I do get questions, some from people who care about me, some from those who probably couldn’t care less. Here are my answers:

So, what do you think of Preston so far?

I actually think Preston is kind of a lovely little-feeling but not really little town: The brickwork is old and crumbling, the pubs have interesting names, the accents are thick, there is always something to do…

You think Preston is lovely?

Well, ya. I’m in a new country, everything is different.

Preston is boring, I feel sorry for you.


What course are you in?

[Editor’s note: The term “course” in England refers to the program or Major you’re in.] I’m studying International Journalism.

What classes are you taking?

International Journalism, which is basically a class in advanced feature writing. I’m also taking Terrorism & Human Rights, and Political Islam & Islamic Movements. They are all great. Especially the fact that they all just happen to fall on Monday and Tuesday.

What do you mean? You only have class two days a week?

Five-day weekends.

So what do you do with all your time?

I explore Preston…

Are you American?

I’m Canadian.

What’s the weather like there?

Preston feels colder to me, being from mild-weathered Vancouver.

Where’s Vancouver?

West Coast, near the U.S. border.

I always thought Canada would be really cold…

It can be further up north, away from the coast, back east.

Do you like hockey?


You have nice Wellies.

What’s a Wellie?

Rain boots. Why, what do you call them?


That’s so American.

So what are you going to do this “weekend”?

Explore Prest-… I’m going to Manchester.


PS – Hi Grandma.

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